Preferences - Display Options

You can set your display options within Appointments.

To set your display options:

  1. From Appointments, select the arrow next to your name and select Preferences:

  1. The Appointments Preferences list displays, select Display Options:

  1. Complete as required:
    • Slot search results style - Select how you want your search results to display from:
      • Calendar - Tick to select a display with a tile view like a calendar:

      • List - Tick to select a display with a list:

    • Slot Background Colour
      • Completed slots display in green - Tick to display completed slots in green:

  1. Select the Back Arrow to close the Appointments Preferences screen and save any changes made.
Note - To quickly reverse any unsaved changes made, select Reset .
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.